To do justice

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‘And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’
(Micah 6:8)

When we first screened ‘The Trafficked Life’ in Bakersfield this January, I observed to Doug Bennett that I hoped we had the energy to go where we would be called. Little could either of us imagine that we would be involved in such a project as the Tour Against Trafficking.

Our short documentary has already been screened by over 700 people and two bishops, saved the life of one woman who was being trafficked and encouraged a family to adopt a child; and those are the things we know of right now. From my perspective, the film has already accomplished more than I had ever imagined possible.

Now, with Bishop David, we are taking things ‘on the road.’ When the idea was first broached, I imagined that this might be film number two. These days, I find myself on the saddle most mornings, riding up to two hours, watching the sun rise over the mountains that we will have to climb in the Fall.

There are lessons that the road is teaching me, especially about carrying too much speed in to a corner, there are things I am learning on my faith journey and there is much that I am putting in the Lord’s hands. I would encourage you to find that still place in your heart and listen to where you might be called to participate in the Tour.

Human trafficking is a crime like few others in our world. The more people’s stories that I hear, the harder I work on producing the film. As I educate myself further, the more I help organize the Tour. Together we can make a difference out in the world, in our communities. Together we can show what faith put in to action looks like. Together we can heed the prophets of old and ‘do justice and love kindness.’
